Through a transmedia
solution, One Two, One
Two offers the audience

personal analysis and
provokes thought about
one’s own routine.
Posters | Encourages people to take risks and go out of their comfort zones. These posters reflect the culture, history and/or geography to provoke people to visit the city, suburbs, and rural life.

Poster 1: Risk | Reflects the dynamic nature of North Jersey.

Poster 2: Explore, Discover, Understand / Reflects the mythical aspect of Central Jersey, inspired by the ongoing discussion Garden State natives argue, on whether or not Central Jersey exists.

Poster 3: Refresh / Reflects the relaxing nature that South Jersey exudes.
Video | An examination of the idea or act of a routine, and
how that defines a lifestyle.Through personal experience,
questions this act of, and through visual prompts this mini
documentary creates conceptual scenarios that profile 
four types of people: /a/ People that have healthy routines.
/b/ People that have unhealthy routines. /c/ People that have
yet to establish a routine, and that has hindered their ability to
/d/ People that have yet to establish a routine, but still
manage a healthy lifestyle.

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